The film directs the viewer's attention to the "Museum of the Inconspicuous", which unveils itself on the urban material. The material becomes a medium and an impactful protagonist. The narrator uses his experience of the urban space of Berlin to describe a subjective paradise in which man-made systems of order are repeatedly overwritten by the chaotic force. A homage to chaos, inconspicuous signs and the city as palimpsest.
View Gallery
Videostills from "STADTMUSEUM / MOI RAI"

Boris Dewjatkin (born Berlin, 1994), has been roaming Berlin's urban space as a witness and participant for 14 years now. Deeply connected to the urban material of his home city, this has been the main source of inspiration so far. The dynamics between chaos and order, destruction and construction and the interwoven practices of overwriting and layering are the common thread running through the artist's work. Originating from conquesting the city through writing on it and urban exploration, the juvenile gut feeling was transformed into an artistic attitude towards life and now takes place in painting practice, graphic design, art direction, urban situation production and above all in film.